Now Booking 2024 MTT Dates!

Training platform for
EOD Techs and Bomb Squads
Join more than 1000 active members and take your skills to the next level. We provide a wide variety of online courses, training videos, downloads and resources. Covering everything from basic electronics to advanced IED circuit problems and an active community to ask and answer questions with fellow EOD techs.

IED Circuit Board Library
Based on current real world incidents and threats.

Our library is constantly expanding as bomb makers change and refine their tactics, techniques, and procedures. Every circuit includes an easy-to-follow reference guide, schematic view, layout view, and the code files required to follow along and build your own devices.
Learn at Your Own Pace
Self paced online lessons that can be used for training sustainment or as an introduction to electronics for new EOD Techs. Lessons have breadboarding labs that quickly translate into milled PCBs for training on the range.

Who We Train
US Army | US Navy | USAF | DHS | DOJ | PSBT | Fire and Rescue | Many More!

Everything You Need is in the Shop
Check out our shop and get the best price for electronics parts, circuit board solder kits, EOD tools, battlefield effects simulators and much more!